dinsdag 15 maart 2011

What can JenJenPR do for you


An image can be build in part by the individual, but a considerable and substantial amount is created by the perception of the target group. There is no fooling of the public anymore. To ensure the desired identity one must express the correct media message and do so fundamentally. This is where JenJenPR comes in. JenJenPR contributes to marketingcampagnes in a distinctive and clear manner through the application of free publicity.


The media is always curious to what is happening, but relies on what it knows and bases its message on this accordingly. The message must therefore be truthful, but who is responsible for this? And how does the press know exactly what you do or who you are? Avoid the risk of missing out on free publicity and let JenjenPR communicate the desired message and contribute to the management of the desired identity.

Marketing integration:

Besides determining the correct message and distributing it to the proper media channels, JenJenPR also focusses on the marketing needs of the client, as the practical application shows that the integration between Marketing and PR creates the proper communication and interaction with the target group.

Contact JenJenPR for more information.

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