dinsdag 12 april 2011

PR Action: Campaign for HvA participation council

Higher education has its own form of participation, which should take into account the special position of students compared to the college staff. The HVA is in possession of such a participation council. As a part-time Communication Management student Jennifer Delano decided to take a shot at one of the places in the participation council.

This week was campaign week. There were six posters produced for this purpose. Subsequently these were distributed in the two largest HvA locations. There were also dozens of leaflets handed out. Besides the online campaigning JenJenPR also made use of online promotion. All HvA groups on both Facebook and Hyves showed the poster / folder with the message asking all tp vote on Jennifer Delano.

Information about the participation council HvA - www.kiesmr.nl

A personal review by Jennifer Delano on the campaign week (Dutch):
Update: We just have got the great news that the campaign was succesfull and Jennifer Delano is one of the people in the new 'Domeinraad DEM HvA.'

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