maandag 30 mei 2011

PR Action: Release Jennifer delano’s first E-Book ‘Van 12 tot 17’

On the 25th of May 2011 Jennifer Delano published her first E-Book at Hotel Arena in Amsterdam during the Dutch City Life event. The successful PR agent was bullied for years when she was a teenager and talks about this in her book.

Jennifer Delano kept a diary from 12 to 17 years in which she describes her life an how she was bullied. It’s an autobiographical book. At the moment there are no other autobiographical books written by bullied children from the Netherlands.

With the release of this ebook Jennifer Delano hopes to support other people in a similar situation. JenJenPR helped during this action with the publishing and placement of press releases.

After the release the book will be available as an e-book via:
For more information go to:

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